Client Coaching Course Agreement

This document outlines the framework for participation in all courses offered by Wendy Broekx ("Coach"), for you, the participant ("Client"). It serves to detail the structure, mutual expectations, and key components of the courses. It is understood that this is a statement of intent rather than a legally binding contract requiring a signature.

1. Program Description: Each course offered by the Coach is designed to assist the Client in achieving specific health, fitness, and wellness goals. These courses may include, but are not limited to, personalised fitness training, dietary advice, and mindset coaching, tailored to the unique needs and objectives of each program.

2. Services Provided: The Coach commits to offering the Client the following services, which may vary depending on the specific course enrolled:

  • Customised fitness routines tailored to individual goals and abilities.

  • Dietary recommendations aimed at facilitating desired health outcomes.

  • Regular coaching sessions to track progress and provide motivation.

  • Exclusive access to digital content, including exercise videos, nutritious recipes, and health tips.

  • Ongoing email support for the duration of the course.

3. Client’s Commitment: The Client agrees to:

  • Adhere to the fitness and nutrition plans provided.

  • Engage actively in all planned coaching interactions.

  • Maintain open communication with the Coach, especially regarding any obstacles or concerns.

  • Take personal responsibility for their health and well-being, recognizing individual results may vary.

4. Payment Terms: Fees for each program are to be settled at the beginning of the course. Flexible payment options may be arranged upon discussion with and consent from the Coach.

5. Refund Policy: Given the commitment required to achieve the desired outcomes of the coaching services, refunds are generally not provided. Exceptions may be considered under special circumstances at the Coach's discretion.

6. Confidentiality Assurance: All personal information shared by the Client will remain confidential with the Coach, except where disclosure is mandated by law or necessary to prevent harm to the Client or others.

7. Limitation of Liability: The Coach does not provide medical advice. The coaching offered should not be seen as a replacement for professional medical counsel. Clients are advised to seek medical clearance before initiating any new fitness or diet regimen. The Coach assumes no liability for injuries or damages arising from participation in any course.

8. Program Termination: This agreement may be terminated by either party through written notice in the event of significant breaches of its terms. However, it is important to note that the Client remains obligated to make full payment for the course as there are no refunds. Payments already made at the time of termination will not be refunded, and any outstanding payments must still be fulfilled.

9. Acknowledgment of Understanding: By proceeding with the courses, the Client indicates they have reviewed, comprehend, and consent to the conditions outlined herein. Participation is recognised as voluntary, with the Client assuming responsibility for their health and safety.

This overview is intended to clarify the nature of the coaching services provided and does not constitute a legally enforceable contract. It is advisable to consult legal counsel to ensure the document meets your needs and complies with local laws and regulations.